TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a dysfunction in the joint and muscles that controls the movement of the jaw. Millions of people are suffering from the discomforts of this condition. In most cases, the causes of this condition are unknown but suspected causes include bad bite, tooth grinding, orthodontic braces and stress. Even if the causes of TMJ are not clear, of course it is important to get rid of TMJ to free yourself from its annoying symptoms.
Some of the discomforts brought by TMJ are jaw pain that radiates in the face and ear, difficulty or stiffness of jaw muscles, grating sound when opening and closing the mouth and locking of jaw. The discomforts brought by this condition are really annoying and it is best to know how to get rid of TMJ for good.
Of course you need to consult your doctor or dentist to evaluate your condition. Your health care provider can help you get rid of TMJ pain and may recommend over-the-counter pain medications like pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to temporarily relieve the pain. Your doctor may also recommend a bite guard or stabilization splint.
You can also do some self care to ease the pain like avoiding chewing gums to prevent too much jaw movement and eat soft foods to avoid too much pressure on your jaw. Being gentle with your jaw and avoiding extreme jaw movements will help you get rid of TMJ pain.
It is also helpful to do some jaw stretching exercises to relax your jaw. You may need the help of a therapist to know the appropriate exercises that you need to relax your jaw.
In most cases, TMJ need conservative treatments and does not require aggressive treatments. If you want to know how to get rid of TMJ naturally visit Natural Methods to Eliminate TMJ